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I like the idea of using Blender to create VR experiences. I want to be able to model a space, texture it and then visit it using my VR headset. That's why I've experimented with building tooling that allows you to do that.

Native App

The first version I've built uses Godot under the hood and runs natively on the Meta Quest:

This version was developed during a course in the Digital Ideation programme at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences. You can read more about the project on the blog (German).


For a different project, I've adapted the tool to make VR experiences that run in the browser using Three.js:

This version was also developed during a course in the Digital Ideation programme. You can try out the VR experience from the video on a VR headset that support hand tracking.

The car model by Renafox is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution.